Asian Civilization Museum(Singapore)


Visit the Asian Civilization Museum ;D
   Hi Fans! Have you visited the Asian Civilization Museum yet? We had a really great time there learning about our cultures, and ethic and religion groups. They even have interactions corner where you can smell the tea leaves, pretend to catch a chicken and find out more about your own religion.

However, we did not visit the Terra Cottars as they were running at 45minutes per session! And we were not too sure if we had to pay the $5 to see them! (Let us know if you go ok?) We decided to put this time to good use by exploring the other parts of the Museum instead. We did get a little glimsp of them though! Check out the photo below. Don't you find them cute? Haha!

You have till the end of August 2011 (if you are a Singaporean or PR) to explore this interesting place for free! Don't miss it, cause you'll never know when they will be free again? Probably on the next National Day? :D

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