Introducing you the new AFC Ultimate Enzyme Drink


Hello fellow health concious readers, today I am going to introduce you to yet another product which not only benefits your health, but it is filled with goodness.

Unlike most health drinks that comes in a pack of 6-10 mini bottles, this health drink comes in a huge wine bottle. Yes its colour looks somewhat like wine, it taste a little like vinegar but no, it is non-alcoholic and trust me its 100 percent vegetarian.

Vegans rejoice! Finally there is something for you. This drink is suitable for everyone in the family including children, especially those who have poor appetite, weak body disposition or having an imbalanced diet.

About AFC Ultimate Enzyme Drink

The AFC Ultimate Enzyme Drink is made of 100 percent pure botanical extracts.

  • 106 types of premium ingredients,
  • 200 years of brewing tradition,
  • 120 years of proprietary live yeast
  • 2 years of fermantation and maturation

Curious about the full list of goodness that it contains.. be shocked! It will take me one whole evening typing them out. *lol* Here we go...

Why are they so different and superior?

  • AFC Ultimate Enzyme undergoes 2 years of fermantation and maturation, breaking down nutrients into smaller molecules for better absorption compared to other brands who does this over a period of 3 months in average.
  • Okinawa brown sugar is used instead of white sugar to retains the enzyme compared to white sugar.
  • Existance of good live lactic acid bacteria aids in digestion.

What are Enzymes?

  • Active protein present in living cells including our vital organs such as our heart, liver, blood and nerves.
  • Each enzyme have an essential function acting as a bio-catalyst to enable our body to function. Function includes digestion, circulation, healing, detoxification and metabolism.
  • The amount of enzymes are related to our body health, rate of healing, rate of aging and susceptibility to diseases. The higher the level of enzymes, the healthier we will be.

Causes of Enzyme depletion

  • Enzyme is quickly depleted when we are living in pollution, eating food that contains additives and pesticide.
  • Our body produces less Enzyme as we age.
  • Poor and imbalanced diet from processed and long cooking proceses.
  • Stressful and hectic lifestyle leads to less time for healing and creation of new enzymes in the damaged cells and tissues.

How do I drink it?

Simply dilute 30ml of the AFC Ultimate Enzymne drink with 2-5 parts of water, depending on your taste preference. You can take this drink at any time of the day.

For children, reduce the amount of AFC Ultimate Enzyme drink and mix it in their juice or water according to their age. (5 ~15ml according to age)

  • Take it in the morning : For a good start
  • Take it in the afternoon: To refuel your energy
  • Take it in the evening: To repair your body
You can even use the drink to enhance the taste of your salad instead of your usual salad dressing.

*Note: It is not recomended to mix with hot water/liquid.

AFC came out with 3 different Intensive Enzyme diet plans targeting at weight loss users to incorporate this drink into their diet. You can either follow their plans or just take it with an empty tummy throughout the day.

Health Benefits:

  • Supports digestion and nutrient absorption
  • Detoxification by removal of waste and toxic and purifying blood
  • Alkanlizes Body through the strengthening of cells
  • Reduce risk of chornic diseases by enhancing body's resistance
  • Replenishes energy through breaking down food and allows easy absorption


I did not take the AFC Ultimate Enzyme Drink according to the weightloss diet plan. I took it as a health drink (like a supplement) in the morning before breakfast, in the afternoon to complement my lunch and sometimes in the night before going to bed. The drink taste a little sourish, but the taste is acceptable. There is no one ingredient that particularly stands out.

I do observe a significant increase in bowel movements the first time I took the drink.
Perhaps through that, I have managed to achieve some weightloss. I feel less lethagic in the day and get to sleep better through the night.  I have taken this drink over a week by now and my body is quickly adapting to it.

I did not experience any skin rashes, allergic reaction or nausea from this drink which some people may experience in the first 10 days, following strictly to their weightloss plans. However, during the initial 2 days I did experienced laxative effect. (2-3 times within the morning after taking the drink).

Convinced with its effects? Try it for yourself today. Grab it quick! Last 2 days of promotion at $88 (till 29 Sep), before it becomes $102.80.

Cheers to health, beauty and longevity.

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