Event: Blog Meets SG at Woolf Works


This round of Blog Meets SG organized by Lucy of Lulabelle Lifestyle was held at Woolf Works which is a co-sharing work space dedicated to woman started by a stay at home mum who wanted a space to separate work from home.

At Woolf Works, it is a quiet and spacious space suitable for working with other woman. It is suitable for you, if you need a space to connect with the working world and be more productive at work without distractions at home.

Photo credit: Woolf Works

About Woolf Works:

"Woolf Works is a shared work space for women, located on Joo Chiat Road, on Singapore’s east coast. Our members are freelancers, business owners, writers, remote corporate workers, flexi-workers, consultants and business pre-launchers.

We are the first women-only coworking space in all of South and South East Asia and we have grown a strong and vibrant community of women, with a retention rate well above industry standard.

Woolf Works was named after Virginia Woolf, whose book A Room of One’s Own was published in 1929. We love that, even eighty-five years ago, Woolf knew that women needed a separate space in order to ‘produce art’.

We know working from home can be lonely, full of distractions and really uninspiring.

Co working is a perfect match for women trying to balance a growing business with a growing family."

Credits: Woolf Works Website

The main reason that drew me to the session was the element of sharing of the usage of Young Living Essential Oils by Dr David Steward. You may have already heard of Essential Oils, but how much do you know about them and their usage?

Dr David Steward shared with us how essential oils have helped himself and her wife healed when they were unwell and advice us on the usage of these essential oils.

I was particularly intrigued by the Thieves Essential Oil which seems to be great for boosting immunity and had properties of both disinfecting the area. Some of the participants shared that we rubbed this oil under their children's feet before letting them go to the childcare, others rubbed this oil on their feet over socks when they had to do long haul flights.

Dr David Steward was joking that we can spray the oil on the surface of the seats before we settle themselves, or better still we could spray them on our partners.

There were lots more on these oils, like the Lemon oil which could be added to water to ease your sore throats, peppermint to make you more alert, purification to purify the air, lavender as an antiseptic and healing oil as well as so much more... I could go on and on for a day on these. But I'll leave it to your own discovery.

Ms Olivia Chiong from Unbusy Entrepreneur also shared with us generously on some productivity tips and tools of how to free up our time for blogging yet keeping our materials engaging and still connecting with our readers.

The take-away at the end of the day is the acronym Plan.

P - Plan ahead of your time, schedule want you wish to post.
L - Leverage on others, make use of the resources and readership that others are having. Be a guest writer at their blog.
A - Automate, making use of productivity tools to set up auto mailing and posting functions.
N - Nurture your blog like a baby, find out what people are reading and what are the current trends. Put up relevant articles.

You can start to plan your postings for 2016. We are only 2 weeks away now. :)

We also had the opportunity to sample not just any food but healthy food from Artisan Boulangerie Co

" Artisan Boulangerie Co. is a contemporary bakery with French influences. Led by award-winning artisan baker, Eran Mayer, we employ traditional techniques to bring a wide variety of breads, pastries, morning goodies and snacks to our passionate fans every day. We focus on quality, creativity and consistency.

Our products are produced using artisanal techniques with the highest quality natural ingredients. Beginning with the flour that we import directly from a traditional flour mill outside Paris, all our ingredients are carefully selected and sourced from the best farms worldwide. Baked fresh daily, our gourmet products are filled with freshness and taste found nowhere else in Singapore. "

Credits: Artisan Boulangerie Co website


Singapore is moving ahead of times and Singaporean are trying to stay ahead of the game by not only hitting the gyms. We are learning to eat clean and live clean through the usage of essential oils as a natural remedy.

I tried the Kale and ginger juice from ABC and I liked it. Ginger has great healing properties and is great to get rid of bloats.

Thanks Lucy for such an insightful evening and everyone there for their sharing!

Be Confident, Be Yourself.

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