Looking for a better florist? Review here.


I feel so blessed to receive this beautiful bouquet of flowers from A Better Florist during my birthday month, back in June.


I love flowers especially sunflowers and roses, so my eyes pop whenever I see these flowers. Recently i fell in love with Tulips and Daisies too. Though short lived, they give the recipients happiness whenever they receive a beautifully decorated bouquet of flowers. They brighten up the homes and brings positive aura too.

So what happens when you can't decide what you what to gift to the love of your life? Give someone a bouquet full of different flowers. No one in the right mind will ever reject such a beautiful bouquet of flowers and there's bound to be something they love from here too.

My pick goes to the Emilla. Boy were they gorgeous, so I decided to take some shots of them as the centre piece on my dinning table. The flowers made my home so lively. The Emilla comprises of a combination of sweet pastel roses, elegant calla lilies, luscious matthiola and stunning protea.

Do you know that these blooms are sourced directly from Cameron Highlands? They are the freshest and most affordable. Gifting flowers is now as easy as a few single clicks. You don't even have to worry if its a last minute decision (90 minutes is all they need) as they do offer same day or next day delivery.

I love them for their fresh blooms, prompt delivery and arrangement options! You can even request them to be placed in a vase directly. This saves me much hassle from transferring and ensuring that my blooms don't get hurt during my transfer. You can even choose to up size your purchase by adding balloons, a teddy or some chocolates and macaroon to the selected bouquet.

If this is not what you like, find other variety of flowers from their range of Signature Blooms which comprises of the Allison (Tulips), The Lilah (Bright blooms with pincushion) or The Julianne (Roses).




*If you look at my instagram account, you'll see The Allison which was gifted by my husband during Valentine's day. Some of the tulips on my photos were also shot using the tulips from the bouquet.

Or from the Farmer's Choice of seasonal stems sourced straight from the farm. There you'll find The Spring Breeze (seasonal blooms), The Ayla(sunflowers), The kiera (Lilies, roses, ammi majus) and The Hayden (succulents) which are long lasting and best for work desk in my opinion.

If these are still insufficient for you, go for the bundles where you can pair your bouquet up with little gifts of macaroons or relaxing candles and chocolate.

You may also participate in flower jamming sessions to learn how to make your own flower arrangements. Check out their Saturday sessions and check what's on the list, as every week's theme is different. It'll cost you $40 per pax for the first 3 sign-ups.

Oh now I just wish that they can last as long as they can till my birthday comes!

You may purchase your own bouquet from A Better Florist website , or
Follow them on their instagram account at A Better Florist instagram and A Better Florist facebook for more information. Tell someone how much you love them and miss them with some lovely flowers today!

Thank you for sending me the Emilla bouquet. I absolutely love those gorgeous blooms. All views expressed are truthful. All photographs on this site belongs to the property of Pearlywerkz. Please do not take them as your own. Do ask for permission if you wish to utilize them.

This article first appeared on pearlywerkz.wordpress.com. It was written by the same author.

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