Beauty Products Review: Milky Foot 3D Super 4 Exfoliating Foot Pad - A new feet, a new begining (Sponsored)


Happy New Year 2014 to all Pearlywerkz readers!
Here is my first post of the year, a belated from last year as I haven't had time to touch up due to intensive amount of photos.

Have you heard of a product which can exfoliate your feet? Milky Foot Intense Exfoliating Foot Pad can do it! Want to have smooth, baby like feet? Milky Foot is here to give you a smooth foot pad!

This Intense Exfoliating Foot Pad is an innovative and advanced product.

The internal packaging.

Look at this pair of socks! Doesn't it look cute? My mum says i look like a baby duck learning to walk.

How you should wear and use it. Follow my step by step instructions here.

1. Wear Milky Foot Intense Exfoliating 3D Foot Pad Super 4 on both of your feet after you have washed them. Do remember to dry them.
2. Remove the milky foot label where you see the double sided tape. Press the top part of the "socks" and seal the front part.
3. Soak your feet in the Foot Pad for 60 minutes. (Do not exceed recommended duration).
4. Remove the foot pad and wash your feet with warm water.
5. Towel dry your feet.

Milky Foot 3D Super 4 Exfoliating Foot Pad retails at $32.90. You can find them at Watsons and Guardian Pharmacy.

My Journey to baby feet:

First few hours after using -> Nothing changes

Day 2 and 3 was boring as well.. nothing happens. I am pondering the effectiveness of this legendary product. Or was it because my skin was just too thick?

Day 4 and 5 was exciting as the real peeling action began. But my left foot was still quite nice with not much peeling taking place. Do not peel off these flakes as it may harm your feet. Let it peel off naturally.

On day 6, there was some huge pieces of skin coming off from both feet.
It was hard to resist peeling. I would recommend you to wear socks so that your feet will have less abrasion when you walk. Finally the full action took place on Day 7 where most of the skin had been shed off. I had to gently peel them off because the flakes was getting too big.

Look at the baby smooth skin under the old skin and the skin flakes that I gently peel off.
This is no kidding! This Milky Foot 3D Super 4 Exfoliating Pad really works!

My thoughts:
I feel that the packaging is very interesting and creative. I like the idea of wearing it as a sock, but I felt constraint in movement for an hour. The scent of the solution was very strong, it smells like sourish acid. Maybe this could be improved. I got a little worried and scared when I see my feet turning a little pinkish (i suspect could be the effect of the alcohol), but I did not felt any abnormalities. I did not experience any bad or adverse effect after using this foot pad. My feet did not felt smoother either during the first 2 days of usage.

By the end of 7 days of usage, I was really amazed with the effects and effectiveness of this product. I would give it 4 out of 5 sunflowers. The only think I dislike is that the alcohol content could be a little too high and the smell is too strong.

It is rather amazing to see how the peeling effects takes place. Not recommended to do peeling when you need to do intensive exercise such as jogging or foot works as there may be abrasion which may cause tearing of the skin.

Be confident, be yourself.

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