These handcrafted skincare are so good - Soul Good Project


Hello! Have you been taking care of yourself during this circuit breaker period? It's time to start thinking about a self-love project and spending time off your busy work schedule, to pamper yourself with some hand made products.

Like me, the founder at Soul Good Project suffers from eczema. She is also gluten and lactose intolerant. Perhaps because of these reasons, she started her own brand of handmade products. Use these products at ease, because they are not tested on animals, lovingly handcrafted and vegan. 

I liked that other than using natural ingredients, her products are thoughtfully packaged and housed in glass containers, reducing the use of plastics. These containers are also transparent, allowing me to view how much product I've left.

Mandarin Spring Deodorant balm, Miracle Glow Pure Marula Oil, Dream Haven Natural Sleep Mist

Dream Haven Natural Sleep Mist - $24.90 SGD/50ml

If you are having problems trying to fall asleep due to the stressful lifestyle which you are currently leading, the Dream Haven natural sleep mist might be able to help you. As it's name suggest, drift into a dream haven with their blend of lavender, chamomile, ylang ylang and cedarwood essential oil.
This is a clever combination of essential oils beautifully mixed together.

As I already had the habit of using essential oils, pillow sprays, scented candle, and aromatherapy in my bedroom, this was naturally welcomed. I liked that the scent was light and calming, not too empowering, and it made me felt relaxed when I sprayed it on my pillow. I only wished that the scent would linger on longer.

This is the only variant that the store is currently selling for their sleep mist.

Mandarin Spring Deodorant balm - $26.90SGD/50g

For someone who likes to smell good all the time, even on a hot sunny day or just right after a workout, the Mandarin Spring Deodorant balm is particularly helpful. It is made from a blend of mandarin, rosemary, cedar atlas, coconut oil, magnesium, and arrowroot powder.

This deodorant balm has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory properties, while absorbing sweat and neutralizing your body odour. Not only that, it contains shea butter and coconut oil, which helps in moisturizing your skin. 

You only need a pea size of the balm, applied on your underarms like a regular moisturizer. The balm smells good, doesn't feel sticky and keeps my underarms dry, comfortable and moisturized throughout the day, although I only applied it once after my shower. 

It is unusual to have a deodorant housed in such a container, usually a deodorant stick or spray, but I could understand their plastic free intention. Using it seems to be awkward at the beginning, but I quickly got used to it after using it for a few days.

The other deodorant balms available - Spanish Garden and Himalayan Wilderness.

If you are not a fan of using balms, or is afraid of contamination from digging into the container, fret not, the thoughtful founder had deodorant sprays with similar variants.

Miracle Glow Pure Marula Oil *NEW* - $39.90SGD/30ml

I was happy to receive the Miracle Glow Pure Marula Oil to try out, as they had only recently launched their facial oils. The Marula Oil is packed rich with fatty acids, vitamin C & E. Most importantly this anti-aging oil is suitable for use on even people with sensitive skin. 

It is also used to calm skin inflammation, skin redness and sensitivity, therefore I feel that it is a good facial oil to have in my facial oil stash. 

I used this oil twice daily after my facial cleanse, gently patting 2 drops of the oil into my skin, usually after my toner and serum. I would also apply them onto my hands and fingers which requires some moisturizing as well. Other than its unusual smell, I cannot find fault with this oil because it was well absorbed and loved by my skin. There are no obvious effects on my skin yet and I also did not see any allergy reactions. 

Other than the Marula Oil, Soul Good Project also carries the Blue Tansy Oil and Squalane Oil. Feel free to check them out. 

In sum, I liked their range of products. Their simple, clean and plastic free aesthetics made their products looked aesthetically pleasing to my eyes, and looks good on my vanity desk. I spot that they have a natural hand sanitizer spray too! It may come in really useful during these virus times. Hope to get the chance to try out other products as they launch. 

Those who are looking for some skin-loving, natural products should check out their site. Key in "WELCOME10" at their site when you make a purchase and receive a 10% off from your first order. Free shipping when you spend $40 and above. 

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1)This article is a collaboration effort between Soul Good Project & Pearlywerkz.
2)This review is 100% honest and based on personal experience.
3)All photographs on this site belongs to the property of Pearlywerkz unless otherwise credited.
4)Please do not take my photos and use them as your own.
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