Beauty Product Launch Event : Black Paint at Alkaff Mansion Ristorante


This month seems to be full of events. Maybe its due to the Christmas season.
One weekday evening, I was invited to the launch of Black Paint event at Alkaff Mansion.

About Black Paint from Kyoto Japan
Black Paint market themselves as the skin care for pore, founded by Mrs Miyuki Maeda. The product has won 5 Grand Gold Medal Awards for a consecutive 5 years since 2009 - 2013.

Miyuki Maeda San believes in developing skincare products with the normal bacteria that resides in our healthy skin. She believes that these microorganisms has a natural healing power.

Restoration should take place using the body's natural healing properties, through skincare products that provides nutrients for microorganisms rather that with sterilizing or disinfecting properties to to clean the skin which is unnatural.

Here is a photograph with the founder of Black Paint, Miyuki Maeda San and me.
Look at her flawless skin! *Envy*

You can be assured that these products do not contain any harmful chemicals, preservatives, fragrances and alcohol that sterilizes or disinfects the skin, instead, you will be able to find vegetable, floral oils such as rose, argan and nut oil such as macadamia nut oil, that are natural and aids the cleansing of your pores and allowing your natural skin bacteria to cleanse and heal your skin.

I found myself going around taking photographs of the various product displays that the team had put up for us. Well done Cynthia and team. The displays were very nicely done up.

Photo with Tracy (blogger friend). We sat together that evening.

More photos of product displays. This set will be used for demonstration later.

We helped ourselves with some light refreshments while waiting for the other bloggers to turn up and waiting for the product introduction.

With the help of a translator, Miyuki Maeda San told us the story of how she fell ill with a kidney condition and later had her daughter suffering from rashes all over her body as a result of the same condition that led her on researching for an "impossible cure".

She tried ways and means with different method of health management methods and dietary therapies as long as they are natural.

Her breakthrough in research was realizing the existence of intestinal microorganisms which she subsequently was able to overcome through proper health management.

Demonstration and blogger trial Session

After her introduction of Black Paint and its products, the bloggers were given an opportunity to try out the products as well as to watch the live demonstration.

There are 2 parts to Black Paints products. The first focus on facial cleansing, followed by Skin Care.

Facial Cleansing

1. Drip a few drops of vegetable oil onto your hands, make use of it to remove your eye make-up. As this is very oily, it is effective on strong eye make-ups.

This oil does not contain any cooking oil smell so don't be turned off by its name. It contains 11 kinds of organic oils and essential oils target to prevent wrinkles around your eyes caused by dryness. I am tempted to try this out.

Texture shown on my hand

Model demonstration

2. Follow through with the Black Paint Soap for cleansing of the pores and removal of blackhead from your pores by a gentle massage motion. This bar of soap acts as an oil massage for your face as well. You are required to soak the soap to "melt" it before using all sides of the soap to wash it directly on your face.

Instructions on use of Soap

Model Demonstration

Make use of the Black sponge with or without cleanser, to remove waste on your face. It will absorb keratin and black head to reveal a translucent skin.

Close up of the sponge

Model Demonstration

Skin Care

1. Drip about 3-5 drops of Best Water on to your palm and gently pat the skin toner into your skin. You can also make use of a facial mask paper to soak up the toner and apply it as a mask. This toner aims to tighten your pores with its moisture.

Instructions on use of Best Water

Model Demonstration

2. Gently shake to mix the Oil Water until it turns into a whitish/milky lotion. Drip about 3-5 drops of Oil Water on to your palm and pat into face. The rose oil smells really good, made of 1000 stalk of roses. It is not as oily as it looks.

Instructions on use of Oil Water

Model Demonstration

3. Ostrich balm. As queer as the name may sound like, this product can be used as a regular moisturizer. Apply on extremely dry areas or you may use it like a lip balm.

Texture shown on my hand

Model Demonstration

4. Apply the Water Cream to your face gently, you will see water droplets forming. If used in the day, allow it to slightly dry before applying your regular make-up. If used at night, you may use it like a sleeping mask.

Texture shown on my hand

Model Demonstration

All the mentioned products should not be mixed with other product brands to see its true effectiveness. You should use it continuously for 28 days. There may also be possibilities of breakouts in the first few washes as your skin takes time to get use to this new product and routine.

Time for group photo before we end the day.

(Image Credits: Black Paint Singapore)

I won't forget to thank Black Paint for their ultra generosity. Each of us get to bring home all the items shown to you above, including the black mug that we used to "melt down" the soap. How awesome are they?

Another photo of myself and Tracy before we head home! Thanks for your company!

Thanks to Black Paint and Cynthia for the invitation. Check out their facebook page, twitter and instagram for more information and updates!  We enjoyed ourselves and gained much. Will be trying out this new routine soon. 

**It made a huge difference to bring my husband along for the event as the photographs he took for me were brilliant. Thank you hubby!!!**

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